Main Part of Table Complete

The main part of the Periodic Table of Elements, consisting of 90 elements, is largely complete (I reserve the right to touch things up). What remains are the Lanthanides and Actinides, which are typically displayed as two rows of 28 elements below the main table, the only reason being ease of display because otherwise the table would be a bit impractical to display on a typical page in a book. Interestingly, I’ve rarely seen the table shown with these two rows connected in proper fashion (see diagram above from Wikipedia).

In any event, I have already made significant progress on the actinides, so the table will probably be finished well before the end of the year. The next big challenge will be to hang the project on our wall. The plan is to use wood fashioned as French cleats to hold up the 70-pound table. Wish me luck on that…


New Project: Bonestell


Light at the End of the Tunnel